Friday 8 April 2011

catch up

Not been on for a few days as we have had a job in which has meant that work takes priority over the training. How lucky that I am on a wind down before next week!!
06/04 was another 2 miler (2:04 in fact) and this was run in 16:12 minutes at a pace of 4'55 per km which is a far crack for 07:03 in the morning. I managed to burn 321 calories and when eating salads, that is right salads (only good for rabbits) my weight is slowly coming off.
07/04 was new school 3.24km (which is around 2 miles) and this took 16:35 minutes at a pace of 5'06. I naturally put this down to the fact that I wore my running leggings and I do not know why I can not get going with these on, but I always run slower! I only managed 317 calories but had salad again. The run was at 06:48 in the morning which at the time was stupid but after working until silly o'clock it allowed the blood to keep pumping.
Today I ran 2.04 miles again at a time of 16:26. This was a leisurely run as it was the last run before the Marathon :(. I felt great but very tired due to the long hours for the past three days. I ran at 4'59 per km which is a good time for a leisurely stroll. I burnt 322 calories and ate chicken today.
It is not too late to sponsor me on the following link:
Thank you

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