Tuesday 12 April 2011

last day of training, now only 5 days to go!!

Only time will tell to see how my training package went. I initially started on a pre-planned one before I realised that it would take 8 months to complete and I only had 3!! I also realised that I had surpassed the targets which they were setting as goals and that it would be a backward step.
I used the experience at work (a few people have completed this feat a number of times and we have a Mr Universe) to formulate my own running plan and with Nike+ in my trainer, off I went.
The last 3 months have been hard, with a number of wet, windy and cold dark mornings to get to work and the same on the return journey, but hopefully it will be worthwhile in the long run!
My last day was a leisurely walk of 1 mile, which took 17:37 to walk and an average pace of 10'49" per km which is better than tesyerday but not wonderful. I burnt 159 calories but as I said that is it as the gym is closed for four days and I'm off to the big city to get my freebies and poncho in case it rains!!
I am hoping that the weather is overcast with a gentle breeze rather than the heatwave experienced over this weekend or I will struggle.
Anyway, it is not too late to sponsor me on this link:
And hopefully the next time I write it maybe after the run unless I take this with me to London in which I will tell you all about my freebies!!
Have fun and see you all next week with my sore legs

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