Wednesday 20 April 2011

should I or shouldn't I?

My neighbour came around tonight and asked if I wanted to go out for a run. It has been two days since the Marathon and my legs are still very sore.
I decided that the small run would be okay as it was near home and only a mere 3km, so I laced up and off I went with a possee of three others.
The weather was still warm and my legs were not too bad. I managed the 3km in a time of 17:44 and a pace of 6'04 which is one that I managed for the first 30km of the Marathon. I burnt 285 calories and felt fine but my legs are still sore. As they say, baby steps and I will have a little jaunt tomorrow with the running or alternatively I will go to the newly refurbished gym, not decided yet.
See how my legs are in the morning before I decide which one won.
It is still not too late to sponsor me, I have now completed the race and the link below will support the charity which supported me:
Thank you

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