Tuesday 19 April 2011

Post race evaluation

To look back on the actual race would be silly as it has happened now and I can not change anything.
If I could alter anything I would consider the following:
Training - I didn't do enough, it is as simple as this. I thought that 3 months training daily would have been enough, but it wasn't. I would advise anyone to train for at least 6 months on a training programme and then some more. I followed a programme, but as I had been running prior to starting, I moved into the final three months. I would also re-consider my last three weeks were they advise that you do very little. I would keep my running into the 5 miles per day rather than lowering it down by a mile a week as I felt that although my legs were rested, was it too much?
Equipment - I would wear sunscreen as it was very hot. I would also consider drinking a lot more at the beginning of the Marathon as they ran out of water toward the end. I would have shorts which were not so long and maybe a short t-shirt rather than the long one which I wore, but it prevented burning my arms. I would also suggest a hat as it stops your head burning, although I struggle to run in a hat.
Race day - Get there early and make sure that you can stretch and get into the right area. As I started at the back, I ran with those who clearly were only capable of running the Marathon between 6 and 10 hours, which means that they run at a mush slower pace than I wanted, and also meant that I had to run an extra mile over the route. I would also have a good look at the route as I was surprised that the mile markers became sparse as you ran further.
Other advice - Run at your own pace and not with someone else. You need to run at a comfortable pace for yourself, not too quick and not too slow (a bit like Trumpton clock!) and do not speak to people as you run. It is not being rude but do you really want someone telling you that you are going too fast or not going fast enough! Get yourself a pace that you want to get to markers, ie, the time to hit 10k, 15k etc. Take in as much water / liquid as you can and take more if you can. Try to run in the shade as into the sun is a nightmare. Plan a massage after the race to assist with your stretching. My legs are killing and have been since Sunday evening. Eat afterwards with your favourite food and having a place to meet and greet your loved ones in a designated area.
Enjoy it, as much as you can. It is a wonderful achievement and immediately afterwards you will say 'never again' but by the next morning, you'll reconsider this!
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