Monday 4 April 2011

the next stage of the sloooowww down

It was cold again this morning at 6:30 when I aimed to run but due to traffic getting to work, I ran at 6:44 instead, but still a wind chill in the air.
I ran the 2 miles in 16:04 minutes at a pace of 4'57" per km. I have a goal to run 5 times this week with a pace under 5'30", so day one complete! I burnt 317 calories.
I have an energy gel to try tomorrow to see if it gives me the runs! It may also make me puke so it will be interesting, but this is what they advise at the 21 mile mark at the Lucozade desk. Fingers crossed that neither happen or I may look more like Paula Radcliffe than I ever thought!! I wish she would stop contacting me as I am not going to pace for her!! She needs to find someone else as it would be unfair on my first Marathon to give her a leg up.
Same planned for tomorrow but actual aim is to try to get under 15 minutes but this is not easy due to having to set the pacer before I run and the same at the conclusion, which slows my pace down to over 6'00" per km. This naturally slows my average and time down to put in my password and stop button.
Trying different tops this week and shorts to see which is comfiest for the actual day. I also tried the jelly babies to see if that works!! I suppose it would be a better trial had I been running rather than sat down on my sofa!
Only 12 days to go and here is the link, which I will be pushing daily and beyond the Marathon.
Thank you

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