Monday 31 January 2011

2 months 16 days to go

Back to work today and back to the running. It was bitterly cold in the Leeds area tonight and did not help with the running. So an 8km which began at 16:20 hours and lasted for a whole 44:46 minutes, which means that it was 3 minutes quicker than last week. An average rate of 5'26" per km and burning off 806 calories. Not bad for a Monday!!
Got to run to work tomorrow as my car is remaining at work overnight and need to decide whether to hit the gym on Wednesday or carry on the road running. I think the gym will work as I am bowling on Friday. Nice weekend off in London watching the Chinese New Year celebrations.
Usual link is below

Sunday 30 January 2011

half marathon run

With having Friday and Saturday as rest days I needed to push myself today, so off to the gym and at 10:00hours set the treadmill to 10km an hour and off we went. No surprise that 2 hours later, the full 20km completed at a nice steady pace which I would call a jog rather than a run. Had to slow slightly for the water intake which I need to practice as I can't slow on the actual run. Tried a new pair of socks which have given me a corking blister on my little toe.
Burnt 1981 calories which is nice and although my legs are aching, feel that I can go and do another few miles this afternoon!!
Only planning four days exercise this week as I am bowling at the weekend, although not doing this for a year may be similar to the run today! Aim this week is to complete two runs home, which will equate to 11 miles and probably hit the gym on the other two days, but may alter this to four runs, see how I feel and the weather!
Food today is soup for lunch and light meal for tea to try and break the stone loss barrier for the month.
As usual, the link below is for the donations and if you want to pledge, so you can play later, then PM through facebook, thanks for your time.

Friday 28 January 2011

Rest day

Done nothing today as had opticians and Megan got a merit award at school so did the fatherly thing. I had a day off the exercise as I have completed four days on the trot and lost 10lb in the past three weeks. The target of 2 stone before the Marathon is looking a little nearer and more achievable.
Aim for the weekend is to be spent in the gym, doing light things tomorrow, just to get the blood flowing in the legs after the rest day and then a run on the treadmill on Sunday, may look for 10 miler, just have to see how busy it is and how I feel on Sunday. Running to work for the rest of the week.
Got a few pairs of socks to try for comfort prior to London which is a priority to allow for the completion of the course. For thise at work, the sponsor form is coming on Monday so be warned. If you are not at work and are reading this, you can donate on the below link:
See you all tomorrow with some fitness news rather than a rest day!

Thursday 27 January 2011

2 months and 20 days to go

Ran to work this morning and it was bitterly cold. Brrrrrrr. Managed to knock 8 minutes off my previous run and this was the up hill run to work. It is a steady slope and doesn't stop. I also managed my fastest mile, according to Lance Armstrong!!
Running uphill at about 5:44 km/h and burnt another 815 calories but had a takeaway for tea, which is bad but much needed. Lost 9lbs this week and having a day off tomorrow, spending it with the better half.
Back to the gym at the weekend though as got to get fitter and lose another stone yet.
Having a big push next week on the sponsorship front so please read the link below:
Thank you

Wednesday 26 January 2011

2months and 21 days to go

Ran home from work and a little bit more, 5.20 miles in 46:57 minutes and 820 calories burnt off the tummy. Average speed of 5'36" per km which is getting there for the Marathon. Have to run to work as left the car there, so no pain, no gain!
Last day of exercise tomorrow as I am having Friday off. Back to the gym on Saturday as no football on and the same again in Sunday.

Usual link:
In the words of Tesco: Every little helps!

Tuesday 25 January 2011

2 months 22 days

week 2-2
Swam tonight, the full 2 miles again. Felt like stopping after 1 mile but someone dare to challenge me, in my lane, so I stayed in and blasted them out of the water within 10 lengths. Grrrrrrr
My right shoulder is feeling the pressure of the training and is really hurting tonight.
Ate well again today, chicken for lunch, omellette / omellette? for tea and then the gym.
Running at work tomorrow so that is a 8km in the running bank but will have to leave the car at work, unless I run to and from work?
Big push next week with sponsorship so I may as well as post the link now!
Thank you for your time reading this and if anyone would like to be a pacer in the pool, let me know, any number of lengths will be accomodated!

Monday 24 January 2011

2 months, 23 days, 11 hours and 58 minutes

week 2 -1
Course again so hit the gym later in the evening. Very busy but luckily wanted the cross trainer, and there are loads of them.
Put the time on 90 minutes and off I trotted. Started off at a steady pace of 133 and kept this up on level 7 for the entire time. Hit 6.22km this time and burnt 926 calories off, so feel great and certainly better than the last time I used the machine, however, my legs felt like lead afterwards. Quick stretch off and back home to update my blog!
Good eating today, chicken for lunch, pork for tea although had some carbs in potato but finding it hard to stop this. I will concentrate on eliminating carbs for a couple of days and see how I feel with the exercise.
Thinking of swimming for 2 miles tomorrow and then back to Utopia and running the 8km to and from work.
Usual link is at the bottom.
Thanks for reading

Sunday 23 January 2011

last day of week one

Work was heavy today, listening to tapes all day. Having a rest from exercise and on a course tomorrow and Tuesday.
Plans for the week are:
Monday - gym - cross trainer for 90 minutes
Tuesday - gym - swim
Wednesday - run 8km to work and back again
Thursday - run 8km to work and back again
Friday - rest day
Saturday - gym / run not sure yet but definately at least 10km to complete.

Ate well this week and have new options for food this week due to advice from buddies.
Please spread the blog to your friends who may be interested.
Have fun and be careful out there

Saturday 22 January 2011

2 months, 25 days, 13 hours and 8 minutes to go!!

Day 6 and back to the gym. Long day at work and felt like giving the gym a miss, but 'no pain - no gain' so drove to the gym and went for the swim which I said I would do.
The pool was empty (in the fast lane) and only a few 'leisure' swimmers in the pool, so splashed like a baby in a bubble bath. Decided that a mile would suffice tonight, so that is what I did, a full 80 lengths and feel great.
The chef did a lovely meal of lean pork chops with wedges and peas. This balanced my lunch meal of chicken and a pudding of pineapple.
I think weigh days will be Monday's so fingers crossed for a decent number. The swimming burnt about 500 calories which is a ggod return for a 45 minute swim (had to stop for five minutes to chat to a friend!)
The link to pass to your friends who may which to sponsor / pledge a donation towards me:
Have fun reading, John

Friday 21 January 2011

85 days to 5 for week 1

Early finish on my course so went to the gym and took full advantage of the lack of people there. Aim for today was to ride the bike for the hour and I achieved this although I had a very stiff bum at the end!!
The ride burnt 700 calories and a distance of 30km, which made feel better than the cross trainer. Future cross trainer will need to be at least 90 minutes of running to burn the calories.
I feel like I am on the Biggest Loser show at the moment, burning calories, eating a healthier diet and exercising.
Back to work tomorrow but not running in as going for a swim on Saturday and then I have a further course on Monday so the 8km run to work will re-commence on Wednesday.
As per usual, the link is for any sponsorship that you can spare.

Thursday 20 January 2011

London Marathon: Day 4 blog - 87 days to go

London Marathon: Day 4 blog - 87 days to go: "Back to the gym and the cross trainer today. Not sure why it was cross as I was gentle with it! Anyway, ran on the trainer (if that is what ..."

Day 4 blog - 87 days to go

Back to the gym and the cross trainer today. Not sure why it was cross as I was gentle with it! Anyway, ran on the trainer (if that is what you do?) for the hour and burnt 600 calories and ran a mere 4km. Thought it would burn more than that but felt fine running for that amount of time. Will be trying 90 minutes next time that I go to that machine.
Food wise, had tuna for lunch and a jacket with chilli for tea, so hopefully my weight is going down like the Hammers are from the Premier League.
Usual link for those who are considering the sponsor / pledge offer, remember that you can pledge now and pay later if times are hard.
Gym plan for tomorrow is a bike, not the type that wears lycra, but the ones with wheels! Aiming for an hour on the machine, dependant on my boney bum on those rock hard seats.

Wednesday 19 January 2011

Day 3 - 87 days to go

Brain has had a meltdown today on the course and in need of rest, as are my legs from the swim last night. Tonight is a rest day as the Mighty Whites are playing football tonight, COME ON LEEDS (priorities!)
Good eating again today, with a jacket with tuna for tea, so hopefully tummy is going down.
Plan for tomorrow is to hit the cross trainer for an hour and burn those calories.
The all important link!
If any would like to "pledge now, pay later", please PM me and I will add you to the sponsor form.
Remember that a run is temporary, the Marathon will last a lifetime

Tuesday 18 January 2011

Day 3 - 88 days to go

Another course day today so not much done. Going to the gym at 8pm for a 2 mile swim, which will burn about 1000 calories. If anyone wants to try it, I do 160 lengths in a 20 metre pool and it takes me 1hr and 10 minutes!
Pasta for tea, which compromises of meatballs and spaghetti. I had tuna and fruit for my lunch so hopefully will assist in the flab shakedown!
Link to donation:
If you wish to pledge, please PM me on Facebook or my personal email address.
Thank you for your time and support.

Monday 17 January 2011

Day 2 - 89 days to go!!

Start as I mean to go on.
Ate well today, protein, protein, protein was the word of the day, eating fish and chicken.
Ran 5km on the treadmill and burnt 357 calories, along with the 10km bike ride, burning a further 171 calories.
Lost 6lb in weight so that is coming off nicely.
Aiming for a 2 mile swim tomorrow if there are no hippo's in the pool to slow me down!
I have posted the donation site as I will with every blog but if you want to pledge monies, please PM me or email me directly. If you pledge, don't need the money until after the run. Maybe a better option in this financial climate.

Sunday 16 January 2011

Week one

Week one of the official training countdown has begun. Only 90 days left!!
Ran 33 miles this week on the road and the legs were a bit sore but have recovered with a few days off.
I am on a course this week and will be hitting the gym rather than the streets, so watch out treadmills, cross trainers, weights and the pool. They will be getting hit hard.
I am running for a charity and if you would like to donate, please follow the instructions on the link below.
I need to raise £1500 to run and I have started the push for donations. If all my Facebook friends give at least £1, I will raise £903 just from them!! Add this to the £300 raised from my kind friends at the West Yorkshire bowling tournament, and the £150 donation by my family, it is getting there.
I am also aiming to lose 2 stones before the race and any advice on diets would be appreciated. Lost 6lbs this week from the 5000 calories burnt in the running.
I will update this blog daily now, as I have set it up and inform you all of the miles / calories and weight loss.
Thank you for your time in looking at this blog and feel free to add comments, if you can?