Monday 24 January 2011

2 months, 23 days, 11 hours and 58 minutes

week 2 -1
Course again so hit the gym later in the evening. Very busy but luckily wanted the cross trainer, and there are loads of them.
Put the time on 90 minutes and off I trotted. Started off at a steady pace of 133 and kept this up on level 7 for the entire time. Hit 6.22km this time and burnt 926 calories off, so feel great and certainly better than the last time I used the machine, however, my legs felt like lead afterwards. Quick stretch off and back home to update my blog!
Good eating today, chicken for lunch, pork for tea although had some carbs in potato but finding it hard to stop this. I will concentrate on eliminating carbs for a couple of days and see how I feel with the exercise.
Thinking of swimming for 2 miles tomorrow and then back to Utopia and running the 8km to and from work.
Usual link is at the bottom.
Thanks for reading

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