Tuesday 25 January 2011

2 months 22 days

week 2-2
Swam tonight, the full 2 miles again. Felt like stopping after 1 mile but someone dare to challenge me, in my lane, so I stayed in and blasted them out of the water within 10 lengths. Grrrrrrr
My right shoulder is feeling the pressure of the training and is really hurting tonight.
Ate well again today, chicken for lunch, omellette / omellette? for tea and then the gym.
Running at work tomorrow so that is a 8km in the running bank but will have to leave the car at work, unless I run to and from work?
Big push next week with sponsorship so I may as well as post the link now!
Thank you for your time reading this and if anyone would like to be a pacer in the pool, let me know, any number of lengths will be accomodated!

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