Friday 28 January 2011

Rest day

Done nothing today as had opticians and Megan got a merit award at school so did the fatherly thing. I had a day off the exercise as I have completed four days on the trot and lost 10lb in the past three weeks. The target of 2 stone before the Marathon is looking a little nearer and more achievable.
Aim for the weekend is to be spent in the gym, doing light things tomorrow, just to get the blood flowing in the legs after the rest day and then a run on the treadmill on Sunday, may look for 10 miler, just have to see how busy it is and how I feel on Sunday. Running to work for the rest of the week.
Got a few pairs of socks to try for comfort prior to London which is a priority to allow for the completion of the course. For thise at work, the sponsor form is coming on Monday so be warned. If you are not at work and are reading this, you can donate on the below link:
See you all tomorrow with some fitness news rather than a rest day!

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