Thursday 20 January 2011

Day 4 blog - 87 days to go

Back to the gym and the cross trainer today. Not sure why it was cross as I was gentle with it! Anyway, ran on the trainer (if that is what you do?) for the hour and burnt 600 calories and ran a mere 4km. Thought it would burn more than that but felt fine running for that amount of time. Will be trying 90 minutes next time that I go to that machine.
Food wise, had tuna for lunch and a jacket with chilli for tea, so hopefully my weight is going down like the Hammers are from the Premier League.
Usual link for those who are considering the sponsor / pledge offer, remember that you can pledge now and pay later if times are hard.
Gym plan for tomorrow is a bike, not the type that wears lycra, but the ones with wheels! Aiming for an hour on the machine, dependant on my boney bum on those rock hard seats.

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