Sunday 30 January 2011

half marathon run

With having Friday and Saturday as rest days I needed to push myself today, so off to the gym and at 10:00hours set the treadmill to 10km an hour and off we went. No surprise that 2 hours later, the full 20km completed at a nice steady pace which I would call a jog rather than a run. Had to slow slightly for the water intake which I need to practice as I can't slow on the actual run. Tried a new pair of socks which have given me a corking blister on my little toe.
Burnt 1981 calories which is nice and although my legs are aching, feel that I can go and do another few miles this afternoon!!
Only planning four days exercise this week as I am bowling at the weekend, although not doing this for a year may be similar to the run today! Aim this week is to complete two runs home, which will equate to 11 miles and probably hit the gym on the other two days, but may alter this to four runs, see how I feel and the weather!
Food today is soup for lunch and light meal for tea to try and break the stone loss barrier for the month.
As usual, the link below is for the donations and if you want to pledge, so you can play later, then PM through facebook, thanks for your time.

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