Sunday 13 March 2011

the 19 mile painmarker again

Well, the rain did not put me off this morning and off I trot at 9:30am. The same route as two weeks previous but did not have as much rest prior to the first run and I felt it toward the end of the session.
I ran the 20 miles in 3:30:23 which was far slower but the pain was unbelievable at 19 miles. I had to walk the last 1.28 miles as my calves were on fire.
the average pace for the total run was 6'26" which was affected by the rain and the slow walk home, similar to the formula one car that blows its engine and has to limp home.
I managed a huge 3,195 calorie burn in this time which will hopefully allow for some weight loss, although the tube of Pringles may counter balance this!!
My plans are to do nothing tomorrow, a small run on Tuesday of 3-4 miles and a swim on Wednesday (2 miles) I am then TOFFO for the rest of the week and will complete another couple of smaller runs before the 20 mile goalpost for the weekend. I need to find out if the gym is open or shut this week as there are mixed messages coming from the members. If it is open, I might go for a session on the rower and weights to improve my core strength and also to stop my arms from aching when I run.
That is about all as I have my feet up and looking forward to a Radox bath later!
Hope that you all had a fun weekend and see you tomorrow!

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