Sunday 20 March 2011

The last big one!!

It was the last long run and now it starts to peeter off. The 20 miles took 3:16:00 and an average pace of 6'04 per km and a huge 3153 calories burnt.
Split times per km: 5'14: 4'58: 5'11: 5'11: 5'12: 5'15: 5'12: 5'31: 5'44: 5'32:
                             5'35: 5'40: 5'35: 5'32: 5'53: 9'53: 5'55: 5'51: 9'45: 5'26
                             9'50: 5'35: 5'46: 5'47: 5'40: 5'49: 10'25: 5'52: 5'36: 5'28
                             5'36: 5'53
The large numbers are Stonegate Road hill, Harrogate Road hill, Wigton Lane hill and Park Lane hill, which I will not experience on the actual day.
I walked 1 mile afterwards as a cool down and my legs feel fine today. (1.42km and took 14:45, burnt 139 calories and a pace of 10'23 per km)
Plan for this week is Monday off, Tuesday / Wednesday run to work (5.28 miles), Thursday to the gym, Friday, Saturday and Sunday are low level runs (4-5 miles) and will place a swim in between the runs. The final month is keep the legs going but not hardcore like the previous weeks.
I reached my goal of 150km run in under four weeks, have 11 more runs to hit the target by 08/04, I have 1916 calories to burn by 08/04 to have burnt 10000 in less than a month and 1 more run to hit 10 in under an average pace of 8'00km.
Since I started my training on 07/01, I have run 362.33km, burning 35464 calories and the furthest run was 20.28 miles. (The mileage run is 225.14 miles for the old skool!!)
Thank you for looking and have a great evening.

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