Saturday 5 March 2011

the man from atlantis

Strange day at work, lots of work but little to do? Finished on time so after the pounding of the streets yesterday, I decided to go to the gym for a swim.
It was nice to have people in the lane who were quick and I could pace myself against.
I managed to complete 2 miles in 70 minutes, which is 10 minutes quicker than normal. I burnt 1000 calories during the time in the pool and feel fairly good due to the low impact workout, which hopefully will tone / trim the fat and assist the stamina.
The problem with swimming is that I get a runny nose afterwards and smell of chlorine, but I suppose that there could be worse things to smell of!! The speedy swimmers certainly took the hippo element out of the equation which saved me from having a splash. I finished the 2 miles with a 4X1 swim (that is one length of butterfly, back stroke, breast stroke and then front crawl - in that order)which tests the stamina and the arms at the end.
If you have not been able to sponsor me to date, any amount will do, even a pound which now will not by a litre of petrol, a 4 pint of milk, a loaf of bread or double cheeseburger at Maccy D's. The link below will help and thank you in advance

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