Wednesday 9 March 2011

Paul the weatherman talks......

well he was way off the mark with his forecast for today, or more specifically this morning.
He failed to inform me that it would be gale force winds, rain, hail stone, sleet and freezing. At 6am it was not the most appealing of weathers to run in, especially as my leggings were at work so I only had shorts!
Got up and set off. It felt like taking one step forward and two back as I started and then I had to dive out of the way of the puddles both on the path and the ones the vehicles were driving through.
Pace was slow due to the conditions and I ran 5.47 miles in 49:13 seconds. The run is 95% uphill and I managed a pace of 5'35 per km which I can't grumble about and 862 calories burnt. The time was three minutes slower than usual but I managed to run in the inclimate conditions.
On a course for the next two days so I will have my feet up during the day but going to the gym tomorrow for a swim, hopefully be hippo free at the time. May have a rest day on Friday due to the long one planned for Sunday.
Legs are a bit sore at the moment but the shin splints pain has gone, which is great as this was a major concern for me, but a change of running styles has allieved this problem.
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