Thursday 10 March 2011

a bit of breast stroking tonight ;)

Well I decided to go for a swim at 8:30pm and the pool only had four people in and no hippopotumousses to stop the rip-curl f the Westy.
I also took on board the advice from The Chief and finished the 2 mile swim with one freestyle, one breast stroke, one back stroke and one butterfly. The pool was empty by that time so I could splash, splash, splash.
A burn of around 1000 calories after a taxing day at the office!
I have stopped eating bread for the next 40 days as well as takeaways to try to help with weight loss and also for Lent.
I have seen the weather forecast for the weekend and feel that I may be getting very wet on my 20 miler this weekend so think of me when you are having your breakfast on Sunday morning!
Not much more to say really. Completed four runs this week which is 23.5 miles (at the ned of the week it will be 44 miles) and the two mile swim. Only got four weeks left of training before I slow it down for the big run.
Usual link if you would like to sposnsor me and thanks for looking.

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