Friday 18 March 2011

kids and water...

They love it were the famous words uttered by Rolf Harris. I had a splash today and swam a good 2 miles in just over 2 hours. I had a pacer today and this kept me going. You usually have someone who swims for about 20 lengths and then leaves but the bloke was present for about 100 lengths and then another person came in for the final 60.
Only concern was the cramp which I got in the last two lengths but this is more to do with sprinting for the final four lengths!
Feet are up for today and tomorrow, only a little bit of walking and then ready for the long one at 09:30 on Sunday.
Number came today along with my running vest and an information package. Apparently the average time for the Marathon is 4 hours and 40 minutes so hopefully I can come in around this time. They push the concept of going out too fast, which is the problem that I have at the moment when I train. The last 20 miler I completed the half marathon in under 1 hour 30 minutes. They say that the race does not begin until the final 6 miles so I need a pacer, if anyone is available!! You only need to run either 6 miles or 13.5 and then drop out!! I will have my name on my running vest which is white with red on the side.
Have a pleasant evening and COME ON LEEDS for tomorrows early kick off against the blades.

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