Thursday 31 March 2011

all work and no play makes Westy miserable

It has been a few days since I had the time to blog. Unfortunately things at work have been manic and this has not allowed me time to type. I have been able to run in the morning before work as finishing between 7pm and 1am every day is tiring. I would rather do the Marathon everyday than have to keep putting these hours in everyday.
I have lowered my runs down to 3 miles or 5km if you are modern!! This is to keep the pressure off my legs and hopefully keep me injury free but allow enough mileage to keep the bllod flowing through my legs!!
The first run was Tuesday as I did not realise that I would not be able to run in the evening until then. I set off at 06:46 hours and ran the run in exactly 25 minutes, taking into account the roads to cross and cars to dodge. This was an average pace of 4'48" per km and burnt 491 calories. This was apparently a fastest mile since January 7th when I started my training.
On Wednesday I ran 3.15 miles which is just over 5km and this took 25:19 and at 06:50 hours in the rain, I didn't think was too bad, especially when Lance Armstrong informed me that it was fastest mile again!!.The average pace was 4'59" per km and a calorie burn of 496.
Today I ran 3.11 miles and had to dodge some idiot drivers pulling out of drives without looking. The time was 25:17 due to this at an average pace of 5'02 per km. This burnt calories of 490, so not a bad week.
I am aiming to swim tomorrow and due to the wind down, will do a miserly mile in the time before the bathing beauties of the savannah come wobbling in and the waves make the swimming harder, very similar to tethered swimming.
I am havng the weekend off as the Mighty Whites are back on Championship duties and the final full week is low impact and 5 days of 2 miles.
I will hopefully get through the week with no injuries and this should keep me pumped up for the big day which is 18 days away!!
Thanks for looking

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