Tuesday 22 March 2011

the slow down has begun

Ran home from work today in the sunshiiiiinnnnnnneeee, which made it that much harder. I am not used to running in warm, light weather! The training to date has been dark, cold and wet.
The run was 5.23 miles and took 43:24 minutes. I did this without any water as this mileage is now well within my capabilities without pain or suffering. I never thought I would have said that 6 months ago when I started and it took nearly an hour to get home!
My pace was 5'09 per km and I ran the quickest km today at 5'06 during the run, which is surprising as I felt that I ran slowly due to the heat! If you were on a bike around the Village gym I am sorry that I did not say hello, but I had my i-phone on and just run up the hill over the motorway!
A massive 824 calories left my body today, and with the salad for lunch and chicken for tea, it is all falling into place!
Since 7th January I have now run 390.76km which is 242.81 miles in old money. Not bad for a fat lad!
I have made my debut in the Beat magazine and a small article to go with my picture, so hopefully this may drum up some sponsorship and hits onto my blog, as it has a link to this page.
If you do wish to support my causes, please follow this link:

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