Friday 4 March 2011

annual leave means running

Supposed to be bowling today, but as per last year, failed to get into the team.
Yesterday I went to the gym which was dire and boring. Managed a 11.5km cycle which burnt 240 calories and then on the cross trainer when I burnt 163 calories, so an easy day at the gym. Ate well with pasta for tea.
Friday should have been a bowling day but to relieve my anger at not being picked, I went for a run.
The route was from home to Carlton and then to Wakey and back. A grand total of 12.42 miles or 20km in the modern world!
I managed a gentle jog with a pace of 5'47" per km and a grand total of 1:53:10 but still struggling with the water intake. Have a back pack which carries the water but need to be able to run and drink at the same time. The problem is that when I do this, my nose runs (which would not be bad if it ran faster than my legs but it doesn't!) I burnt 1909 calories which is great. Need to decide whether I run to and from work on this weekend as I am in or go to the gym, decisions, decisions. (plus ESPN is on free weekend so sport, sport, sport!)
Need a trip to the shop to buy some more skins as mine are running out quicker than I can wash them. When I say I, I obviously mean Claire!!
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