Sunday 27 February 2011

20 miler

Well today was the first day that I doubted myself. I sat down last night and planned the route from South to North Leeds. It was huge. I did not sleep very well and felt very nervous in the morning, but as soon as the high visibility coat went on, it was running mode. So off I went and trotted along the designated route, although some had to be tweaked as there were no paths. I have also acquired a water camelback which helped to keep me hydrated but to say it is like carrying a 500ml bottle of coke around, I think not!
Kept myself going until I hit the first hill and I said that I would walk up these to preserve running energy so that is what I did. Once at the summit, back to the running. I was happy at 20km around 2 hours and then at around 18.5 miles, the pain came. My legs began to burn, my arms felt sharp pains in them and my stomach got a stitch, so U had to slow down again but at least it was flat at this point. Once the stitch went, I continued with the run and hit the 20 mile mark near to my finish line, but ran the last 0.5 mile to fininsh, in just over 3 hours. My legs are so heavy at the moment but hopefully, a couple of hours resting them will be fine. I left myself just under 10km for the actual race and estimate that this will take about an hour, so I may move my estimated finishing time to 4.5 hours as this is more achieveable than the 4 hours I previously wanted.
I now know how Claire feels with her MS as my legs feel like hers, although mine will return to normal later where as hers remains weak and painful. If you want to help find treatment to suspend the suffering of MS as there is no known cure, please feel free to sponsor me on the link below:
Thank you for your time and have a good day

Friday 25 February 2011

painful legs

It was a very hard run today, after the PB of yesterday. As I got up at 6:15am my legs were saying NOOOOOO. No pain, no gain so off I went. It was a very slow and painful run and due to the ache in my legs, it took 3 minutes longer than normal :(
The run lasted for a mind bending 49:43 mins and  poor pace of 5'45" burnt still managed a cool 844 calories but it does sound a longer run at 8.63km rather than 5.27 miles!
Have had a chat with some runners in Wakefield and they have goven me some advice regarding my shins and I will be putting this into action on Sunday.
Having a rest day tomorrow and then a 20 miler on Sunday followed by running to work Mon-Wed, to get the mileage in my legs.
I feel like Claire does with my legs but mine only lasts for minutes whilst Claire's lasts for her lifetime. It makes me glad that I don't have MS, ig you feel the same, you can sponsor me on the Marathon on the following link:

Thursday 24 February 2011

the sun has got his hat on

Well it was a surprise that I actually ran in the sunshine today, which was a very pleasant change to the usual wind, rain or snow!
Shins are really hurting me today after running the 8.17km (5.26 miles) in 42:50 which is the quickest time to date. This meant that I managed to run at a pace of 5'14", which again was helped by the sunshine. How bizarre that a quicker time meant less calories burnt? Only 800 burnt on the run. Claire got a surprise by me being home before 5pm!!
As I said earlier, my shins are really hurting, so if anyone knows what I can do to stop this happening, please tell me! Is it something I can do in my warm up or cool down? Some have suggested pain killers but I want to keep clear of this method.
Running to work in the morning so if you see me, give me a little toot on the horn but please do not stop as I will not be polite and get in, mainly because I'll be sweaty!
I am still attempting to reach my target for donation and the below link will direct you to the web page, which apparently has been upgraded to accept paypal.
Thanks for looking

Wednesday 23 February 2011

London Marathon: another long day

London Marathon: another long day: "Glad that I ran to work this morning as I had another long day at work. Waking up at 6:15 was not nice as it was both cold and wet, but it i..."

another long day

Glad that I ran to work this morning as I had another long day at work. Waking up at 6:15 was not nice as it was both cold and wet, but it is only a little bit of rain!!
The run to work was as difficult as usual, uphill, wind swept and wet.
I managed to burn 829 calories on the 5.26 mile run and it took 46:20 to complete and an average pace of 5'28" which I am more than happy with.
Since January 7th I have managed to cover 195.12km and worked off another 18440 calories in 20:06:17 hours!
My first run to work was on the 11th January and took 55:37 to complete so I have managed to take over 9 minutes off this time and the average pace has decreased from 6'38", so a minute a km off the usual rate! As you can imagine, I am over the moon with my progress. Got 2 more days of running to and from work then a gym day on Saturday and another big one on Sunday. I am just prepping my route and aiming for over 20 miles.
Not going to put the link on tonight but will place it on tomorrow, have fun and remember, it is a dangerous world out there and watch out for idiots running in illuminous yellow jackets when you are driving in your cars!

Tuesday 22 February 2011

first short one

Well after the exploits of the long one at the weekend, time to come back to earth with a 5.26 miler. My legs are very sore from this and my shins are killing me. How does it work? Run 15 miles and have little pain, run a third of this and pain, pain, pain.
A slow pace due to traffic and having to wait at the traffic lights so an average pace of 5'21 per km and a burn of 829 calories. The time was 45:28 which I thought was slow but one of the fastest paces that I have set, so the pace is there it is the pain to get over. Running back to work tomorrow after the pizza I am having for my tea tonight! My wife is so bad!!
It is less than 2 months now to the marathon and any donations would be gratefully received on this link:

Monday 21 February 2011

swim Forrest swim

Rather than another run I decided to go for a swim instead. An easy day at work alowed for a finish time which was generous and I went to the gym prior to the stampede of workers (rather than the retired, lazy and spoilt)
The pool had a clear lane which said FAST so in I went. For the first 30 minutes I had the lane to myself and set a decent pace of two lengths per minute. It was at this point when the blue rinse brigade decided that they could swim at my pace, how wrong they were. Luckily for them, they allowed me to pass easily so I didn't have to resort to the leg pulling and dunking of them!
They only lasted around four of their lengths, which is seven of mine before they got bored and got out.
I continued with the swim and did the usual 2 miles within the 80 minutes and felt great. This allowed for a calorie burn of around 1000 which is not too bad either. Ate well today, 2 slices of taost for brekkie, two ham salad sandwiches for lunch and Claire's wonderful chicken casserole for tea. Hopefully this will assist with getting some of my weight off. It appears to have peaked at 14st 10 and doesn't want to go any lower!
Back to the running tomorrow for the next four days, including going to the gym on Wednesday and Friday. Trying weights and exercise classes on these days. Weekend off again but need  complete a big run but hopefully have a new water bag and this will assist with my hydration.
Usual link below if you want to sponsor me.
Thanks for looking.

Sunday 20 February 2011

weekend of rest

Rest is for the weak! Everything was against me this weekend, firstly it snowed, snowed and snowed some more and then Claire's car decided that it would slide off the drive, causing Claire to damage her ligaments in her left knee.
Anyway, I decided that a run was in order and off I went to Castleford. Managed to run the 13 miles there before I realised that I had no means of hydration and thoughtthat I best not run anymore! The time for the half marathon was 1:48:00 which is not too bad for a fat lad. This meant an average pace of 5'39" over the distance which I am more than happy with! Calories went running too and a massive 1998 burnt off the flab!
I also completed a 6.23km walk, which took 1:00:34 and average 9'43 per km. I burnt off 610 calories with this and felt worse than the run!!
Back to work this week and will be running in for 4 of the 5 days in and hopefully hitting the gym on at least four days to try to tone!! I feel the splash coming on so beware hippo's!
Usual link at the conclusion of the blog, thanks for looking and have a great weekend!

Friday 18 February 2011

walk away the fat

It was a rest day and I did not make it to the gym as Ikea had two products for me to build for Megan. Surprisingly went well with the build but the items weighed a tonne and took a while to manouevre around the house.
Megan decided that she wanted to walk to school today. Pity the teachers can't do this but as they are lazy and underworked, they need their cars, except in the snow when they can't even get out of their houses. Enough of the soapbox.
Walked to and from school to take and collect Megan so walked 5.82 miles in total and burnt 916 calories, which is not too bad, although it did take just under 2 hours to complete. I kept the heart rate down to 110 bpm which is optimum to burn fat as well as calories (apparently)
Unfortunately I can't walk this far on the Marathon as no one would pay! Which allows for the following link:
This giving site gives all of the money to the charities rather than taking 10% off like others.
Thanks for looking

Thursday 17 February 2011

off roading

A master-class today meant that it was a later run tonight. The options were a little one around the block or run down to the athletic track in South Leeds, via the A650 for some hill work. This was the option which I went for. The initial run is the same as to work but I forgot that the road to White Rose has no path so had to run on the grass, which is not the best idea when it is getting dark.
Anyway, began the run and decided that it was about 6 miles, and I was not far iff this. The actual run was 6.37 miles and too 54:49 minutes at a rate of 5'20" per km. I burnt a HUGE 1004 calories on this run!
If only I could earn a pound for every calorie which brings me nicely onto the link!!
Again, thank you for looking and aiming for the gym tomorrow as on a rest day!!

Wednesday 16 February 2011

splashing is sooo annoying

It was back to the gym today and into the pool. One day people will realise that Westy does not share. If you want to come into my ane, you need to swim faster than the ones today and definately need to get your hair wet. It took a few lengths for some to realise this but they did in the end and left my lane. I have a new way of removing them, initially I go for the splash option, followed by the ankle tapping as I swim behind them and finally, if these fail, I go for the yanking of the legs as the swim and go over the top of them! I need a sign on the lane when I am swimming to say that it is a fast lane and drowning is optional.
Anyway, managed another 2 mile swim today and burnt about 1000 calories off. Took about 75 minutes, including the stopping for the blue rinse lady who was actually asked to leave the lane by the lifeguard!
Nice low impact on my legs from the running. Looked at the i-phone and I have run 140.49 km since January 4th 2011, burning a huge 11794 claories over this time and running for 12 hours 16 minutes in total.
The countdown is getting closer for the actual run and the fundraising is in full swing. Will be perstering family and colleagues (not in Leeds) to get the last few pennies needed to reach / exceed the total. This is a nice link to the following!
If you can donate, any amount is appreciated.
Thank you for your time reading this

Tuesday 15 February 2011

full of gas!!!

Another day of training. Today was gas and cells. I thought it would be an easy day, however, that was soon changed when the cuffs came out again. Another beasting on the wrists especially with some over excited OSU lads. Guess who was given the 'practice dummy' label for them, that's right, it was me.
Walked the mile to the supermarket today which will have burnt some fat off the barrel but not a great deal. I have a day off tomorrow so I am either hitting the gym or going for a 15 mile run! See what the weather is going to be like tomorrow! Again, light food for lunch and an exercise in the afternoon allowed for the burning of the extra calories.
As usual, the link below is for anyone who wishes to sposnor me for the marathon, thank you for viewing.

Monday 14 February 2011

battered and bruised

Baton and cuff course today so arms, legs and wrists are bruised from the torture of training. Apparently I have flexible shoulders which means that the trainer can put more pressure on them!
Had the usual warm up and full contact on the xourse. Ran to Asda and back on my lunch break which is probably about a mile in total, so although not a massive run, it keeps the blood running through my legs.
Gas tomorrow so another fun day!
Minimal eating today until I took the other half out for a meal, but ate a light meal and have a few calories to carry over from the previous days.

Sunday 13 February 2011

raining and pouring

It was bitterly cold this morning and the rain was the sort which falls consistently and drenches you rather than one big fall. So at 6:30 this morning, it was not the best view from my window!
Got the gear on and tried the running leggings again and off I went. The run was cold and motivation poor due to the soaking I got.
Anyway, enough of the sympathy vote, I managed to run the 8.5km run in 48:48 as it is all uphill and an average pace of 5'44" per km. 832 caloried ran from my body and with only a bowl of ready brek this morning, really looking forward to some food at 6pm. Really need to give myself some time to eat during the working day.
I am on a baton twirling course for the next two days so that should be enough exercise but I may top up at the gym as I am paying for it!
I am still collecting for Crimestoppers and the MS Society and the link below will advise on how to complete this. Thanks for looking. John

Saturday 12 February 2011

back to it

Although the day was a long one and plenty of work to complete, I still kept the focus on running home at 19:30 hours. It was very cold but dry and I had my car at work if I wanted to bottle it.
There is a line on my donation link ( ) that you can pay for my pain, well I put myself through it again tonight.
I ran 5.17 miles over a time of 44:40 and a pace of 5'22" per kilometer, burning a massive 814 calories, which is good as I only had a bowl of Quaker oats and a cup of soup today.
Got a run to work in the morning, which is not the best thing to be doing at 6:30 hours on a Sunday morning, but I have to get the miles in. I am also going for a swim after work tomorrow, if I get off at a reasonable time.
I am tired today and very hungry so a quick meal for tea, plenty of water / tea to re-hydrate and then bed for a sleep and recharge the batteries for the run tomorrow!
Have fun tonight and good luck to the Rhino's tomorrow after the Super Whites won again!!

Friday 11 February 2011

last rest day for a while

It is my daughters birthday today and I am going out with the family. Due to this, there was no training today, however, back to the running tomorrow.
Weight is going well, now lost 1.5 stone since 7th January but still have a bit more to lose to achieve a comfortable weight for the Marathon.
Aiming to run home tomorrow and have decided that any runs to work will be followed by a gym session in the evening. Claire is having to buy somemore running tops as they are being used too often!!
Thanks for viewing and usual link is below. (Tomorrow's blog will be better with the facts of running!)

Thursday 10 February 2011

lazy day

I aimed to go to the gym tonight but unfortunately Megan fell over whilst training at the Leeds Indoor Athletics Arena and may have broken her arm!! Hospital here we come rather than the gym. Another lazy day for me then!!
I will have to run home tomorrow, work and back on Saturday and to work on Sunday. Training course for baton and cuffs on Monday and Tuesday so that should be exercise enough.
Sorry it is soooooo boring but these things happen!


Wednesday 9 February 2011

2 months and 7 days

It sounds that it is a long way away but it is coming up quickly.
The run to work yesterday was hard work as my legs are aching, in particular, my shins.
I had a rest period during the run to combat this and felt like it was a very slow time, however, I reached the 8.60km mark at 49:49 minutes, which is my fastest time to date and I am over the moon with this. It equates to 5'47" running rate, which is slower than the previous day but the morning run is all up hill. I burnt another 842 calories which is good as I worked a 14 hour shift and ate very little.
Not managed to exercise today due to another extended tour of duty today but I have a resy tomorrow so that means a gym session rather than the road running.
I am still aiming to raise money for the MS Society and Crimestoppers and anything given will be used well by these charities. The usual link is below:
Thank you for looking and please comment if you want other information or further information on any section of this blog. Watch this space for pictures which were taken today!!

Monday 7 February 2011

2 months and 9 days to go

Back to the running today. Ran home from work in a time of 45:40, which according to Lance Armstrong was my quickest to date and included the quickest mile!!
Felt like a slow run due to the rain, the wind and my numb bum from the bowling!! It is obviously similar to a star in a reasonably priced car, except I don't have the Stig!
My running speed is now down to 5'24" per kilometer and another 826 calories burnt, which may help with the pizza from the weekend in London!!
Legs are still abit sore but as they say, no pain, no gain!!
Got to run to work tomorrow as my car is there and aiming to complete the run to and from work. Got to do some sunny running this week so the gym is calling for Thursday. Looking at the new timetable for a couple of classes to try to get the barrels of flab to go down quicker.
Some people have asked if I am running in fancy dress and I can say that I am. My costume is a Paula Radcliffe one so when you see the costume run into the finish line around 2 hours, remember that it is me!! When you see the lardy lad running some 3 hours behind her, that is Paula.
Time for the usual link of sponsorship. If you have already made a pledge, thank you, if not please enjoy the blog and thank you for looking!!

Sunday 6 February 2011

rest weekend!

Not been on for a few days as I have been in the big city. Initially went down to bowl on the Friday, which I suppose is exercise and then we walked for about 6 hours on the Saturday, which again is a lower form of exercise to the running, but has the same impact of calroie and fat burning.
Long drive back today but I am now back home!
Have a plan for the week of running to and from work and a swim on Thursday. Got to get back into the running, although the weather forecast does state that it is going to be heavy snow overnight, so we will have to see!
Speak to you all tomorrow with a better exercise bolg than today.

Thursday 3 February 2011

Rest day

It was a rest day today so there was to be no exercise, but I have managed to drive down to the big city smoke for a bowling tournament tomorrow. Although not the rigorous exercise of running it is enough to keep me fit. Going into the city centre on Saturday so will walk lots of miles, may get a pedometer app for my phone to see the exact mileage. Sunday we are aiming to watch the New Year celebrations for the Chinese community. Then the drive back to god's county and preparation for the four runs I need to complete next week.

Wednesday 2 February 2011

2 months, 14 days to go!!

week 2: day 4
Long day at work but last day of exercise needed to be completed. Having run 24 miles in 3 days I needed a rest from pounding the paths, so the pool for a splash around was called for. A quick check on the gym website showed that there were no classes on in the pool so I could have a blast in the water, which had a bizarre blue light under the water. I'm hoping that it wasn't one of the ultra-violet colours when someone has an accident in the pool!!
Swam the full 2 miles, which in the 20m pool equates to 160 lengths, which takes around 80 minutes, which isn't too bad and burns a massive 1000 calories.
Not too good on the food front today, as only had a tuna and sweetcorn sandwich, a couple of slices of sun-dried tomato bread and a chilli. Having a rest day tomorrow and then bowling on Friday. Not taking my laptop down so will attempt to blog on my phone, but if not, I will update on my return. Will be doing lots of walking on Saturday around London and watching the Chinese New Year on Sunday so I am sure that my diet will be taking a bashing!!
Usual link below:
Thank you for taking the time to view this

Tuesday 1 February 2011

it was wet, windy and hard

When the alarm clock rang this morning at 6am and said, WAKE UP, I felt like throwing it away. I looked outside the window and saw the dark, the rain and heard the wind blowing a gale. I thought, just a little snooze and I'll get up at 7am and drive to work!!
Then I remembered that I ran home yesterday and my car was at work, d'oh. So up I got and away we went. Not sure how I managed the first mile, which had the rain hitting me in the face, with the wind blowing me backwards. I completed the run in 50 minutes, which I am happy with and was only 3 minutes slower than the presvious run and 5 minutes quicker than week one, so I have to be happy with that.
My shins are a bit sore at the moment so I am going splashing in the hippo pool tomorrow, so watch out waterbabes!!
I also started to hit the work floor with my sponsor form and would like to thank all those who gave me their time and most importantly their pledges. Remember, you can pledge now and pay later! This brings me nicely onto the just giving link!! All the monies raised goes directly to the charity, nothing is taken off for the set-up of the site, unlike other sites!
Thanks for looking