Wednesday 2 February 2011

2 months, 14 days to go!!

week 2: day 4
Long day at work but last day of exercise needed to be completed. Having run 24 miles in 3 days I needed a rest from pounding the paths, so the pool for a splash around was called for. A quick check on the gym website showed that there were no classes on in the pool so I could have a blast in the water, which had a bizarre blue light under the water. I'm hoping that it wasn't one of the ultra-violet colours when someone has an accident in the pool!!
Swam the full 2 miles, which in the 20m pool equates to 160 lengths, which takes around 80 minutes, which isn't too bad and burns a massive 1000 calories.
Not too good on the food front today, as only had a tuna and sweetcorn sandwich, a couple of slices of sun-dried tomato bread and a chilli. Having a rest day tomorrow and then bowling on Friday. Not taking my laptop down so will attempt to blog on my phone, but if not, I will update on my return. Will be doing lots of walking on Saturday around London and watching the Chinese New Year on Sunday so I am sure that my diet will be taking a bashing!!
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