Tuesday 1 February 2011

it was wet, windy and hard

When the alarm clock rang this morning at 6am and said, WAKE UP, I felt like throwing it away. I looked outside the window and saw the dark, the rain and heard the wind blowing a gale. I thought, just a little snooze and I'll get up at 7am and drive to work!!
Then I remembered that I ran home yesterday and my car was at work, d'oh. So up I got and away we went. Not sure how I managed the first mile, which had the rain hitting me in the face, with the wind blowing me backwards. I completed the run in 50 minutes, which I am happy with and was only 3 minutes slower than the presvious run and 5 minutes quicker than week one, so I have to be happy with that.
My shins are a bit sore at the moment so I am going splashing in the hippo pool tomorrow, so watch out waterbabes!!
I also started to hit the work floor with my sponsor form and would like to thank all those who gave me their time and most importantly their pledges. Remember, you can pledge now and pay later! This brings me nicely onto the just giving link!! All the monies raised goes directly to the charity, nothing is taken off for the set-up of the site, unlike other sites!
Thanks for looking

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