Saturday 12 February 2011

back to it

Although the day was a long one and plenty of work to complete, I still kept the focus on running home at 19:30 hours. It was very cold but dry and I had my car at work if I wanted to bottle it.
There is a line on my donation link ( ) that you can pay for my pain, well I put myself through it again tonight.
I ran 5.17 miles over a time of 44:40 and a pace of 5'22" per kilometer, burning a massive 814 calories, which is good as I only had a bowl of Quaker oats and a cup of soup today.
Got a run to work in the morning, which is not the best thing to be doing at 6:30 hours on a Sunday morning, but I have to get the miles in. I am also going for a swim after work tomorrow, if I get off at a reasonable time.
I am tired today and very hungry so a quick meal for tea, plenty of water / tea to re-hydrate and then bed for a sleep and recharge the batteries for the run tomorrow!
Have fun tonight and good luck to the Rhino's tomorrow after the Super Whites won again!!

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