Wednesday 9 February 2011

2 months and 7 days

It sounds that it is a long way away but it is coming up quickly.
The run to work yesterday was hard work as my legs are aching, in particular, my shins.
I had a rest period during the run to combat this and felt like it was a very slow time, however, I reached the 8.60km mark at 49:49 minutes, which is my fastest time to date and I am over the moon with this. It equates to 5'47" running rate, which is slower than the previous day but the morning run is all up hill. I burnt another 842 calories which is good as I worked a 14 hour shift and ate very little.
Not managed to exercise today due to another extended tour of duty today but I have a resy tomorrow so that means a gym session rather than the road running.
I am still aiming to raise money for the MS Society and Crimestoppers and anything given will be used well by these charities. The usual link is below:
Thank you for looking and please comment if you want other information or further information on any section of this blog. Watch this space for pictures which were taken today!!

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