Thursday 24 February 2011

the sun has got his hat on

Well it was a surprise that I actually ran in the sunshine today, which was a very pleasant change to the usual wind, rain or snow!
Shins are really hurting me today after running the 8.17km (5.26 miles) in 42:50 which is the quickest time to date. This meant that I managed to run at a pace of 5'14", which again was helped by the sunshine. How bizarre that a quicker time meant less calories burnt? Only 800 burnt on the run. Claire got a surprise by me being home before 5pm!!
As I said earlier, my shins are really hurting, so if anyone knows what I can do to stop this happening, please tell me! Is it something I can do in my warm up or cool down? Some have suggested pain killers but I want to keep clear of this method.
Running to work in the morning so if you see me, give me a little toot on the horn but please do not stop as I will not be polite and get in, mainly because I'll be sweaty!
I am still attempting to reach my target for donation and the below link will direct you to the web page, which apparently has been upgraded to accept paypal.
Thanks for looking

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