Sunday 20 February 2011

weekend of rest

Rest is for the weak! Everything was against me this weekend, firstly it snowed, snowed and snowed some more and then Claire's car decided that it would slide off the drive, causing Claire to damage her ligaments in her left knee.
Anyway, I decided that a run was in order and off I went to Castleford. Managed to run the 13 miles there before I realised that I had no means of hydration and thoughtthat I best not run anymore! The time for the half marathon was 1:48:00 which is not too bad for a fat lad. This meant an average pace of 5'39" over the distance which I am more than happy with! Calories went running too and a massive 1998 burnt off the flab!
I also completed a 6.23km walk, which took 1:00:34 and average 9'43 per km. I burnt off 610 calories with this and felt worse than the run!!
Back to work this week and will be running in for 4 of the 5 days in and hopefully hitting the gym on at least four days to try to tone!! I feel the splash coming on so beware hippo's!
Usual link at the conclusion of the blog, thanks for looking and have a great weekend!

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