Wednesday 16 February 2011

splashing is sooo annoying

It was back to the gym today and into the pool. One day people will realise that Westy does not share. If you want to come into my ane, you need to swim faster than the ones today and definately need to get your hair wet. It took a few lengths for some to realise this but they did in the end and left my lane. I have a new way of removing them, initially I go for the splash option, followed by the ankle tapping as I swim behind them and finally, if these fail, I go for the yanking of the legs as the swim and go over the top of them! I need a sign on the lane when I am swimming to say that it is a fast lane and drowning is optional.
Anyway, managed another 2 mile swim today and burnt about 1000 calories off. Took about 75 minutes, including the stopping for the blue rinse lady who was actually asked to leave the lane by the lifeguard!
Nice low impact on my legs from the running. Looked at the i-phone and I have run 140.49 km since January 4th 2011, burning a huge 11794 claories over this time and running for 12 hours 16 minutes in total.
The countdown is getting closer for the actual run and the fundraising is in full swing. Will be perstering family and colleagues (not in Leeds) to get the last few pennies needed to reach / exceed the total. This is a nice link to the following!
If you can donate, any amount is appreciated.
Thank you for your time reading this

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