Friday 18 February 2011

walk away the fat

It was a rest day and I did not make it to the gym as Ikea had two products for me to build for Megan. Surprisingly went well with the build but the items weighed a tonne and took a while to manouevre around the house.
Megan decided that she wanted to walk to school today. Pity the teachers can't do this but as they are lazy and underworked, they need their cars, except in the snow when they can't even get out of their houses. Enough of the soapbox.
Walked to and from school to take and collect Megan so walked 5.82 miles in total and burnt 916 calories, which is not too bad, although it did take just under 2 hours to complete. I kept the heart rate down to 110 bpm which is optimum to burn fat as well as calories (apparently)
Unfortunately I can't walk this far on the Marathon as no one would pay! Which allows for the following link:
This giving site gives all of the money to the charities rather than taking 10% off like others.
Thanks for looking

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