Sunday 13 February 2011

raining and pouring

It was bitterly cold this morning and the rain was the sort which falls consistently and drenches you rather than one big fall. So at 6:30 this morning, it was not the best view from my window!
Got the gear on and tried the running leggings again and off I went. The run was cold and motivation poor due to the soaking I got.
Anyway, enough of the sympathy vote, I managed to run the 8.5km run in 48:48 as it is all uphill and an average pace of 5'44" per km. 832 caloried ran from my body and with only a bowl of ready brek this morning, really looking forward to some food at 6pm. Really need to give myself some time to eat during the working day.
I am on a baton twirling course for the next two days so that should be enough exercise but I may top up at the gym as I am paying for it!
I am still collecting for Crimestoppers and the MS Society and the link below will advise on how to complete this. Thanks for looking. John

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