Monday 21 February 2011

swim Forrest swim

Rather than another run I decided to go for a swim instead. An easy day at work alowed for a finish time which was generous and I went to the gym prior to the stampede of workers (rather than the retired, lazy and spoilt)
The pool had a clear lane which said FAST so in I went. For the first 30 minutes I had the lane to myself and set a decent pace of two lengths per minute. It was at this point when the blue rinse brigade decided that they could swim at my pace, how wrong they were. Luckily for them, they allowed me to pass easily so I didn't have to resort to the leg pulling and dunking of them!
They only lasted around four of their lengths, which is seven of mine before they got bored and got out.
I continued with the swim and did the usual 2 miles within the 80 minutes and felt great. This allowed for a calorie burn of around 1000 which is not too bad either. Ate well today, 2 slices of taost for brekkie, two ham salad sandwiches for lunch and Claire's wonderful chicken casserole for tea. Hopefully this will assist with getting some of my weight off. It appears to have peaked at 14st 10 and doesn't want to go any lower!
Back to the running tomorrow for the next four days, including going to the gym on Wednesday and Friday. Trying weights and exercise classes on these days. Weekend off again but need  complete a big run but hopefully have a new water bag and this will assist with my hydration.
Usual link below if you want to sponsor me.
Thanks for looking.

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